CWE Apprenticeship Program Recognized

On February 27th, Bronx Community College’s Automotive Technology program was recognized for their Workforce Development and NY Mechanic Apprentice Program, a project partially funded by and run in conjunction with CWE and our labor partners. This program provides technician training to employees of companies with fleets, such as UPS, Penske, and Truck King. A special plaque was presented to Clement E. Drummond, Director of Automotive Technology, by CWE’s John Mcdermott in recognition of the completion of the state-of-the-art Patterson Garage.

This cutting-edge apprentice program was made possible by funding from the IAMAW, CWE and a 2020 CUNY grant. Over the course of the program, students receive 450 hours of training, participating in instruction every other week for three years. The IAM/ CWE/BCC apprentice program is registered with the New York State Department of Labor.


Worker Coop Graduation


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