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Affordable child care for NYC

Child care in New York is extremely costly, often exceeding $25,000 per year for an infant at a licensed daycare.  The Consortium for Worker Education is responding to this crisis and helping working families access the affordable, quality child care they need to succeed in New York. 

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Introducing our new President

Marco Carrión is the new president of the Consortium for Worker Education. He assumes leadership of the city’s foremost workforce development organization at a moment when the nature of work and needed skills are rapidly changing and workers need innovative support to succeed. 

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Alex Moore Alex Moore

Supporting our Immigrant City

Once again, immigrants in New York City and around the country are afraid for their families and their communities. CWE’s Immigration Protection Group and our partners are mobilizing to support them in this moment.

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A Lot to be Thankful For

Our city’s labor unions and community organizations do the unseen, unthanked work of meeting workers where they are at, helping them build skills and work through challenges to get and keep jobs, and then make sure their rights are protected at work. 

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Alex Moore Alex Moore

Filling Gaps to Serve NYC Workers

The pandemic left low wage workers more exposed to labor abuse and precarity. It also shined the light on longstanding gaps in the social services meant to support New York’s working families. These are two key takeaways from recent reports commissioned by CWE’s Astoria Worker Project.

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Alex Moore Alex Moore

Milestone for City Council Jobs Program

30,000 New Yorkers are in a stable career and able to support themselves and their families, thanks to Jobs to Build On (JtBO), a program funded by the City Council and administered by the Consortium for Worker Education. JtBO funds job training and placement programs at dozens of community organizations that serve workers across the five boroughs. The program reached the job placement milestone this year.

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Alex Moore Alex Moore

CWE COVID Response Program Spotlight: Worker Service Centers

In March 2020, spiking COVID-19 cases and social distancing requirements forced CWE partners to close their classrooms. These community organizations did not stop serving New York workers, however. CWE and our partners quickly transitioned our services online, creating digital bridges to stay in touch, and continuing to provide crucial workforce training.

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Alex Moore Alex Moore

CWE COVID Response Program Spotlight: Immigration Protection Group

CWE created the Immigration Protection Group (IPG) seven years ago to coordinate a response among New York unions and community organizations to the anti-immigrant policies of the Trump administration. In the succeeding years, the organizations have adjusted their services to meet new challenges and needs facing immigrants. When New York City became the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, immigrant communities were often the hardest hit and IPG partners were leading relief efforts.

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Alex Moore Alex Moore

Pathways to careers and away from guns

In 2021, the Consortium for Worker Education brought together community organizations around the city to outreach to young people in high-risk neighborhoods, bring them into job training programs, and place them into careers.

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CWE Publishes COVID Compendium

Today, we are releasing The Consortium for Worker Education Responds to the COVID-19 Pandemic, a compendium that brings together the work of our network to respond to the pandemic.

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Worker Coop Graduation

CWE's Astoria Worker Project celebrated the graduation of our first cohort of students from Worker Cooperative 101 in February.

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CWE Apprenticeship Program Recognized

On February 27th, Bronx Community College’s Automotive Technology program was recognized for their Workforce Development and NY Mechanic Apprentice Program, a project partially funded by and run in conjunction with CWE and our labor partners.

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Supporting immigrant families

The historic migration of new residents from around the world to New York City continues and the CWE network of community organizations is welcoming and supporting these new New Yorkers.

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A Year of Supporting Workers in Need

Over the last year, the CWE network of community organizations and unions have supported the workers being left behind in NYC’s uneven economic recovery.

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Workers left behind in the economic recovery

Unemployment rates are at historic lows, but one group of workers still struggles to find a job. Many companies refuse to hire workers who have spent time in prison, leaving them either unemployed, exploited by unscrupulous employers, or forced to turn to unlawful activities to make money.

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Alex Moore Alex Moore

English Classes for New Arrivals

The historic migration of people to New York City continues and community organizations are rising to the task of welcoming these new neighbors and helping them succeed.

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Child Care that Works for Working Parents

More than two decades ago, a coalition of unions came together to advocate for policies to support working families. One of their greatest successes has been the Consortium for Worker Education’s Child Care Facilitated Enrollment Project, which created a streamlined process and new subsidies to support child care programs for working parents. Today, it remains a life-changing program for many New York workers and their children.

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