Union Initiatives
The CWE is the workforce development arm of the New York City Central Labor Council AFL-CIO, which represents 1.2 million union members in the Metropolitan region. As such, the CWE provides incumbent union worker training for 31 affiliated unions and labor / management cooperatives in varied sectors including healthcare, skilled construction, transportation, hospitality, and civil service. These industry specific programs allow members to move up in their career through skills and credential acquisition. Each year, thousands of workers across the city take advantage of CWE sponsored promotional and entry courses to earn greater economic security and professional advancement.
We work with the following unions:
NYC Central Labor Council
United Federation of Teachers
Asbestos Workers Local 12
Career Center at Entertainment Community Fund
Cement Masons Local 780
Communications Workers of America Local 1180
CUNY School of Labor & Urban Studies
District Council 9 Painters
District Council of Carpenters
Elevator Contractor Local 1
Hotel Trades Council, AFL-CIO
Teamsters Joint Council 16
IBT, Local 210
IBT, Local 237
International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 798
International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 764
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District 15, IAM
Iron Workers Local 40/361
Iron Workers Local 580
IUOE, Local 15
IUOE, Local 30
IUOE, Local 94
OPEIU, Local 153
Roofers, Waterproofers Local 8
RWDSU Retail Action Project
SEIU, Local 1199
Sheet Metal, Local 28
Steamfitters Local 638
The Independent Drivers Guild (IDG)
Tile, Marble, Terrazzo Local 7
Transport Workers Union Local 100
Unite Here! Local 100
Workers United
Writers Guild of America East